Making the clean break, after the break up…

Hello hypothetical readers,

We all do too much of this & there’s nothing you can do to prevent it. I have recently cut ties with someone, who I thought I never would. It was the simple story of you’re travelling there & I’m travelling here, this isn’t going to work. We had both reached the understanding, that we are both free to do what we please & we’d be happy for the other, if they were to find happiness elsewhere. But we’d meet up at some point, if we didn’t have anyone in our lives (as we’d told each other, there is no-one else for one another). We foolishly thought we could still talk all the time, as close friends. Made sense at the time. We talked about random shit & never got on the heavy topics (like our “relationship”). This was going great for about 6 months too, she’d always be there to talk to me, when I was having a hard time or when I was just down & the same with me to her. One conversation ended it all though recently. It was the hardest conversation I’ve had to date.

The conclusion of our conversation was, that her family was never going to accept me for who I am. Given they never allowed me the chance of getting to know them, I found this reality very difficult to take. I’m always going to have love and respect for her, but I can’t shake the resentment off. We’d told each other as well, that we’d only ever cut ties if one of us had met someone (she tells me she hasn’t and I believe her). So getting a grasp on this, is like doing a rubix cube with your eyes closed to me at the moment.

Ok, enough of me. I’d like to know your opinion (or stories for that matter).

Do you guys have a story, of a time when you maybe should have acted earlier in cutting ties ? And any tips for keeping those ties cut ?

This is a sugar coat free zone…. aaaaand GO!

Hello, thank you & your welcome

What’s happening folks,

I’m back, … with a delicious, reverse oreo milky crunch. Ok, now I’ve got my cheap pun out the way, we can move on. So, I’ve decided to start blogging again, because “meh” .. why not. We all spend that much time on the internet these days, .. midas well have something to show for it. I plan to make this a mix of talking shit, (llighten the mood), the occasional essay on what’s grinding my gears, posting stuff I think is cool & simply documenting my random thoughts.

Alright, that’s all for now.

Take care & stay cool.